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Influenza vaccine

The influenza vaccine provides the most effective protection against influenza. It is best to get vaccinated in October or November so that the vaccine works when the flu season starts in full in December. We offer vaccinations in the clinic.

Who is recommended to take the vaccine?

Influenza vaccines vary from season to season and contain four types of influenza virus (two A strains and two B strains). Influenza vaccines must be adapted to the changes in viruses and therefore they are updated before each season. The effect varies from year to year but is on average about 60%.

Those who are recommended to take the flu vaccine every year are in particular:

  • People in the risk group
  • Premature babies from 6 months to 5 years (especially those born before week 32)
  • Pregnant women after week 32
  • Healthcare professionals who are in contact with patients
  • Close contacts or those who live with people in the risk group
    Thus also residents in care homes or nursing homes

How we can help you with the flu vaccine

You can book a regular doctor's appointment and get the vaccine in one of our clinics.

Why should you get the flu vaccine?

You should take the flu vaccine to protect yourself from serious illness if you are at risk. If you are not, the purpose of taking it is to protect those around you and to prevent the spread in society that can affect people at risk. This means that if you are not in close contact with someone in the risk group, you can take it anyway for others' sake and your own.

Around 900 people die each year as a result of the flu. Many also experience becoming seriously ill. The flu vaccine must be taken again each year to be effective against the seasonal virus.

Do you get side effects from the flu vaccine?

The seasonal flu vaccine has been used for many years and generally has few side effects. All vaccines can cause soreness, redness, and swelling at the injection site. Some also get a fever, mild malaise, and muscle aches. This is not the flu, but the immune system that responds to the vaccine. Allergic reactions or other serious side effects are rare. The flu vaccine contains only parts of killed influenza viruses and can therefore not cause influenza illness.

General Practitioner

At Dr.Dropin our experienced GPs provide a wide range of primary care services, similar to those provided by the NHS, either in the clinic or through video consultations.


At Dr.Dropin, you will receive specialist care from our expert Consultant Dermatologists provided by skindoc. With extensive experience from both public and private hospitals, we can assess and treat most chronic and acute skin disorders – either in the clinic, through video, or via a photo upload service.
